We see CT as an holistic and systemic approach to resolving violent conflicts. For Wellspring it is about seeking just and lasting social change through the transformation of conflicts in a non-violent and peaceful way. This can happen on a relational level, on an organizational level, a societal or structural level. In practice what it means is processes of analyzing, understanding and owning the conflict, and then working together with all involved stakeholders to build trust, confidence, and a willingness to develop win-win solutions to the conflict.
We draw on John Paul Lederach and Johann Galtung’s theories of conflict transformation by using conflict mapping, non-violent communication, dialogue, consensus building and self-reflection, drawing on cultural, social, and religious models of peace where appropriate, and validating the complexity of human interaction.
We have conducted conflict analysis, structured dialogue processes and facilitated conflict transformation in a range of settings including disputes between ethnic and religious groups, internal organizational crises and multi-stakeholder and policy dialogue at national and local levels